The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) is the service college of the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU).  It was created soon after the University was established in 1978 to accomplish the institutional goal of providing quality liberal education to students, in addition to satisfying the need to offer degree programs in the arts and sciences.

The college started with 45 faculty members distributed among nine departments, each headed by a chairperson. As the student and faculty population increased, the college started offering degree programs and the departments became specialized.

At present, the college has seven departments, namely: Biology; Physical Sciences; Languages and Literature; Mathematics; Computer Science; Physical Education; and Social Sciences. Also, it offers six degree programs all CHED-AACCUP accredited. These are BA English Language (for Level II); BA Communication (Level I); BS Biology (Level III and Center of Development); BS Mathematics (Level III); BS in Computer Science (Level III and Center of Development); BA Sociology (Level I); and BS Meteorology.

The college is headed by a dean assisted by a college secretary.



Cognizant of its important role in the physical, social, mental, and moral development of man, the College of Arts and Sciences aims to improve quality liberal education to facilitate the integral development of students to enable them to effect desirable changes in themselves and their environment and realize fullness in life.

CAS also develops a sense of responsibility to help improve the region and country and establish a better life for peoples.